

G4S Armor Group
RAZOR Alliance
Name G4S Armor Group
Ticker .G4S.
Alliance RAZOR Alliance
Faction -
Ceo TheDon Padecain
Members 35
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98719600

Members [35]


We are a Blops focused corp. who dabble in piracy.

Need assistance with a war dec?
Wanna clear a system of poaching miners?
Need Security?

Reach out to a diplo. For the right price we'll lend a helping hand.

Engagement Policy:
Devastate, rape and plunder!

G4S Public Outreach Program

- TheDon Padecain
- Corey Pappotte

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-19 21:32:52
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