

Guns-R-Us Toy Company
Weapons Of Mass Production.
Name Guns-R-Us Toy Company
Ticker GUNS-
Alliance Weapons Of Mass Production.
Faction -
Ceo Rexan Darkstar
Members 371
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98633922

Members [371]


Guns-R-Us Toy Company is the executor corp for Weapons of Mass Production alliance. The corp was founded by Thanak our CEO over a year ago and has had its history documented in his Youtube Series. We are a newbro friendly nullsec alliance who is actively involved in PVP and industry.

Our culture has always been one of trying to help "newbros and Indy" players to learn other parts of the game and to learn how to protect themselves and the alliance with PVP. We do not have a hard requirement for PVP involvement but we do expect all members to train into the corp doctrines in order to provide home defense and fun content for our members. Without the ability to PVP we can not maintain our sov space, so it is something that people will need to be willing to participate in. If the babarians are at the gate, you pick up your pitchfork and get in line to defend the castle.

Recruitment Video

We do require that all characters including alts be run through our alliance auth. Mumble and the ability to listen are required. There is a minimum of 30 days in the game for "newbros" so that they have time to do their career agents and get a feel for the game and the activities that interest them in the game. Our members are very helpful with answering questions about different aspects of the game, and maintaining a positive atmosphere for the growth of both our members and the alliance.

If you are a newbro looking for a home, a veteran looking to get away from heavy tidi fights and enjoying the game in a more relaxed setting while making new friends and building something to be proud of rather then just being a number in a large block then please reach out on our discord to begin the process of joining with us and becoming part of the WOMPIRE story.

Sovereignty systems [9]

Region Constellation SolarSystem Security Class   Alliance Strategic Index / Sovereignty Level / Sovereignty Hold (in Days) Stations Belts/Ice Moons
Map Wicked Creek Constellation 0FC-ZX Map 30-YOU -0.27 I1 Weapons Of Mass Production. 2   0 20
Map Wicked Creek Constellation 0FC-ZX Map 384-IN -0.20 I Weapons Of Mass Production. 2   0 34
Map Wicked Creek Constellation 0FC-ZX Map J7-BDX -0.41 I2 Weapons Of Mass Production. 1   0 57
Map Wicked Creek Constellation 0FC-ZX Map MKIG-5 -0.22 I Weapons Of Mass Production. 3   0 15
Map Wicked Creek Constellation 0FC-ZX Map YHEN-G -0.20 I Weapons Of Mass Production. 1   0 25
Map Wicked Creek Constellation AC-RON Map 0TYR-T -0.16 I Weapons Of Mass Production. 1   0 88
Map Wicked Creek Constellation AC-RON Map 8-OZU1 -0.18 I Weapons Of Mass Production. 5   0 16
Map Wicked Creek Constellation AC-RON Map MLQ-O9 -0.20 I Weapons Of Mass Production. 5   0 50
Map Wicked Creek Constellation AC-RON Map X-ARMF -0.09 I Weapons Of Mass Production. 2   0 97
Last Update: 2024-10-15 00:00:12
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