

Hard Core Mining Corp
Name Hard Core Mining Corp
Ticker OTELA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Bizz Boss
Members 12
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 342860917

Members [12]


Hard core Mining corp is looking for new members !

Mining is a good way to allways get a steady income of ISK to invest in like trade. But can be boring alone and very time consuming. CEO is erly retired and got time to mine ISK.

Low skilled miners is very welcome to join while they do skills for Miner Barge.

We mine in Maurasi 0.9 right now. 1 jumps from Jita and in The Forge Region.

Corp work foreward to get best mining ships like Capital industrial ships Orca and Rorqual.

Corp hope in furture to mine in low secure 0.4 to 0.0 if possibel.

Corp main goal is to have fun while we mine ISK.

10% of ore we mine in CORP MINING go to Corp, and 90% of ore is split to members that help in CORP MINING.

A corp need a kind of income to be abel to support new corp members, else CEO had to pay all, and i dont this is fair. 10% of corp mining ore sound fair.

Members keep all ore they mine alone.

CEO had mine about 3 years ago on 3-4 accounts and 1 year ago short time, but are back in businnes !

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-11 05:06:38
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