

Name Hawkbats
Ticker HABA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sammm
Members 1
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98026290

Members [1]


Hawkbats were formed early in 2011.

Started as a Danish corp, which functioned quite well, at it's peak in April there were 15 active members running missions and roaming low sec.

In May the most active decided that they would try out 0.0 and it almost broke Hawkbats.

In August Tresgull gave up the 0.0 and all the time spent on war ops, and re-entered Hawkbats where he became CEO.

At the end of August most old members were re-recruited, and the decision was made that Hawkbats stays in high-sec and expands to other areas as the corp grows.

Today Hawkbats counts members from all over the world, and have it's expansive hands in PVE, small scale PVP, Mining, POS, Incursion, exploration, ratting, PI and div production.

Hawkbats still retains the good attitude towards new players and the capability to entertain the older more expierenced and demanding players.

Interested? Join "Hawkbats Recruitment" and talk with one of the recruiters
Scorpio Ohu

Fly (un)Safe

We Operate NBSI in Low sec and 0.0

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 17:17:19
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