

Hellguard Quantum Research Facility
Name Hellguard Quantum Research Facility
Ticker HQR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Elm Lumani
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1816206578

Members [6]


Hellguard is a massive multi-gaming clan spanning over 20 titles with a 13 year history within tournament and casual play. This corporation is the offical branch within Eve Online, and is commanded by the clan leader Godhand Anu.

Membership within Hellguard is open to everyone under the condition that regulations and common sense is followed. We do not afford leway to act in a manner that brings dishonor to our institution regardless of rank or length of membership.

If you are seeking a family to become a part of that you can follow deep into PC and xbox360 gaming, Hellguard may be for you. Efficency, loyalty, and honor are the virtues that have allowed us to prosper for over a decade, as we shall until there are no more games to play. We hold no hatred of new players, and welcome any and all to earn their placement within our honored ranks through bond and friendship.

1) We are all one. The strengh of each member is the strength of myself, a collective of shared wisdom and power is the only road to success.
2) Loyalty is paramount. If your brothers and sisters can trust you, and your leaders can depend on you, you will have an endless future in their hearts and at their sides.
3) Failure is not something to be feared, but embraced. Our wills and strength are forged in the fires of our own suffering. A Hellguard is relentless, for each time we are knocked down we only want to get up all the more.
4) Selfishness, is unacceptable. If one does not love their brothers and sisters, one cannot be considered family. We live to witness the success of one another, not ourselves.
5) History binds your leaders, years of experience and success in as many worlds as we can bare witness to have secured this family into the eternal. They will love you, and they will be beside you in your darkest times, you need only give them your trust.

If this seems the place for you, by all means welcome to Hellguard and I personaly wish you luck in your position here. Each and every one of you are why we have existed for so long, and you have my eternal gratitude.

Godhand Anu

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 01:18:14
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