

Heroes of Valhalla
Name Heroes of Valhalla
Ticker HOVAL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kharazhad
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98009577

Members [6]


Heroes of Valhalla is now accepting recruits.

We offer:
- Free Ammo + Free t1 frigates and cruisers.
- Orca boost at mining ops.
- Lvl 4 mission running assistance.
- A corporation of casual friendly veterans willing to help you with in-depth info on all aspects of the eve universe.
- 0.0 access to our Headquarters for gang/fleet pvp and mining ops. (AFTER you pass your 30 day trial period)

We expect from you:
- You want to listen and learn.
- You are mature, intelligent and will behave as such.
- You will play by the NRDS rules.

Corporate aims:
- Mining with orca support.
- Manufacturing.
- Blueprint Research.
- Highsec Missions.
- Nullsec and Lowsec pvp (NRDS)

Our corporation aims to prepare new alliance members for the trials of nullsec as well as making sure our alliance gets recruits with a mature attitude.

To apply to [HOVAL], contact Kharazhad [CEO] or Captain Martin [Corp Diplomat]

Only NRDS pilots in good or neutral standing with our corporation and alliance need apply.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-15 09:16:52
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