How Many Walkers Have You Killed - Chill Corp; 0.0% Tax You can never tell anyone
Because if you do
One morning you'll wake up
And you won't be in your bed
You'll be outside the walls
Far-far away tied to a tree
And you'll scream and scream because you will be so afraid
And no one will come to help
Because no one will hear you
Well - Something will hear you
The monsters will come
The ones out there
And you won't be able to run away when they come for you
And they will tear you apart and eat you up while you're still alive
All while you can still feel it
And then afterwards
No one will ever know what happened to you
You can promise not to ever tell anyone what you saw here
And then nothing will happen here
And you will get cookies
Lot's of cookies
I know what I think you should do