Imperial Eagle operates in the area of Solitude, both high and low sec. Our aim is to accumulate pilots who wish to work in an organised fashion, in that area, and to set targets and accomplish them by means of organised plans. We require players who will agree with the principles of the corp and are willing to work towards the accomplishment of the corp's goals. A player can be a simple member or have a position of more responsibility. The choice resides with the player. The corp offers the opportunity to anyone to try the position they desire.
The principles of the corp are:
- Respect to all players. No offenses, irony or provocations in local and other comm channels.
- Respect for each player's RL.
- Following the copr's policy, no piracy is allowed, NRDS
In order for a pilot to become a member, the following requirements must be met:
- The pilot must be independent and a team player
- The pilot must have a desire to live in a hard high/low sec area, with many enemies and many war decs.
- The pilot must submit his/her full API, with all three characters,
- The pilot must be active in the area of Solitude
- The player must have been in the game for longer than 30 days at the time of application.
Please contact
GreekSoul Olimpioi for an application or any diplomatic issue.
Public channel: