

Imperial Syndicate Forces
Name Imperial Syndicate Forces
Ticker TISF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Fib0nacci
Members 14
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 1247546337

Members [14]


Imperial Syndicate Forces
PVP dedicated members of the En Garde Alliance

Ceo: Fox T'Lar US time zone

Recruitment officers

Yaaar's Revenge Eu time zone
JShepard Auzi time zone
Zarofdium US time zone

Contact any of the above leadership positions for information, any question that you may have will be answered as soon as possible or join us at our public channel United Brains

Current Need to know information

Corporation is part of a Alliance holding 0.0 sov with two systems under our name, allot of fun pvp to be had including anything from bloodthirsty small roams and large Cta's to corporation mining operations and construction.

kill board link:

Recruitment info
Recruitment forum link:

_____sexy?Sex Uy __ Current ownership over the systems
___?Sexy?Sexy?R ___ A-8
___?Sexy?Sexy?R ___ Requirements
__?Sexy?Sexy?Se ___ 25m skill points or more
_?Sexy?Sexy?Se ____ Mostly looking for pvpers
_?Sexy?Sexy?Se_____ recruitment form must be completed
_?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy? __ Voice comms Required
______?Se__?Sexy?Sexy _ Certain exceptions allowed

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-28 04:38:05
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