

Name Incorruptibles
Ticker 1NC0R
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Hector Riley
Members 54
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98267990

Members [54]


Incorruptible (adjective) 1. Not susceptible to corruption, especially by bribery. 2. Not subject to death or decay; everlasting.

Incorruptibles (1NC0R) the most corporation there is. EU/US time zones.

Rated Best/Worst Corp by Better Homes and Bodies' ship whelping connoisseur. Home to the authentic 'Mara.' Providing a safe haven for Dust 514 veterans since 2013.

Public Channel: Blessed Corpse
DUST 514 Players, check out Dust 514 Veterans Discord:

For recruitment and diplomacy contact Jadek Kin
CEO - Hector Riley

"We just don't know."
"Diques. Cawks. Paynus."
"Danny Trejo aint nuttin ta fuck wit."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-20 08:06:40
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