We are a mixed corp of pvp/pve/indi. If your new to eve or a long term player we offer you support in skilling along with advice on fitting ships. I personaly "
OkarasRule" want to see my corp grow to being very powerfull and I reward thoes who help out.
What we offer:
Very active membership
Corp issue ships for mining and roaming with
LV4 missions with caldari navy
Freedom to follow your chosen path in eve
Ore buying policy
Share in production proffits
Chances of advancment in corp based on recomendation
What we require:
Polite attertude to alliance/corp members
Willingness to join in group activities
Aplicants must submit a API and past corp details
Avoidence of loseing too many ships per day.
Kill boards are not what I look at and its not something that my corp has a focuse on perfecting. I also run a policy that RL comes first over everything.