To the end we are the best at what we do.
We are industrialist. We are warriors. We are strong as one.
Innovative creation industries is currently a highly active pvp corp who work out in low sec and o.o regularly, we have highly skilled players, and a few new players, we dont start fights, but we end them. we are respect one and other and dont demand anything from our members but we would like support when required.
We belive that we should only strike those who are a direct threat to our well been and have a strick no shoot first unless targeted pilot is on our KOS listings (kill on sight),
as a result we have gain many allies within out allience and exsternal alliences within our home systems, where we are trying to generate a infastructure, and trade within our terratories.
so if you are looking to fight in low sec conflicts, if you are intrested in gaining spoils beyond your current reach. contact
Serathem Ceo, or
Sam Alex director, and we would be happy to talk to you. (looking for pvpers, Low sec miners and industrialists, old and new pilots)
if you are in need of more details about our trade hub or need somthing manufactored contact