

Intaki Waste Management and Disposal
Name Intaki Waste Management and Disposal
Ticker I-WMD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Belter Jack Brennan
Members 7
Tax Rate 7.3%
corporationID 98584263

Members [7]


Intaki Waste Management and Disposal (I-WMD)
Taking Out the Trash to Keep Intaki Beautiful

The Intaki system lacks a single permanent space factory yet is flooded with vast quantities of industrial garbage. Why is there so much industrial production waste at Intaki?

No one is certain, but local environmentalists have their suspects.

Many point the finger at unscrupulous manufacturers from other nearby losec systems who may be secretly dumping industrial waste products at Intaki - perhaps with criminal assistance from the Serpentis - to avoid the high cost of proper disposal at their home systems.

Waste Cleanup Initiative

On viewing an undercover news holoreel documenting factory waste jettisoned illegally throughout the Intaki system - including an enormous spherical gyre dubbed "The Great Intaki Garbage Patch" at an Intaki II Lagrange point - shocked members of the Intaki Assembly vowed immediate action.

To stem the tide of trash, the Assembly solicited assistance from local waste-processing businesses. Within days, they accepted the low-bid contract of Intaki Waste Management and Disposal (I-WMD), a small Intaki garbage-collection company formerly known as Jack's Junk Removal and Salvage.

The Assembly has granted the I-WMD corporation unlimited license to remove and resell at a profit industrial waste, derelict spacewrecks, and other refuse cluttering the Intaki system; with industrial garbage removal as the priority.

Remediating the Intaki System

Intaki Waste Management and Disposal regularly transports shipments of industrial garbage and other unwanted detritus out of Intaki to licensed recycling and waste-to-energy facilities at Aunsou, Pelille, and Vivanier for suitable processing. Non-reclaimable waste is sealed in GSCs and cast into the Intaki sun.

I-WMD works hand-in-hand with community-minded Pend Insurance Bank which graciously maintains public hubs for garbage collection and transfer at their offices orbiting planets Intaki III and Intaki VI.

Thousands of cubic meters of industrial waste and other rubbish contaminating the beautiful Intaki system have been removed by I-WMD to date. The Assembly asks residents of Intaki to also do their part.

Don't have time to dispose your trash? Let I-WMD take care of it for you.

Drop your garbage in the Donation Bin at the Intaki Recycling Center located outside the Pend Bank VI-5 station. I-WMD will dispose or recycle it as appropriate. All items are accepted including starship modules, construction materials, broken salvage, and radioactive waste, This is a free service.

Please report observed violations of Intaki dumping laws to the Intaki Assembly immediately.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-06-02 09:25:05
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