u'"Ex-slaves and poor Allian Races,
owning nothing, some once owned themselves,
came together and created a community
and they have thrived....
Now it is 2024\u2014 and hell is about to descend on the systems..."
InterStellar Mining corp for Aplha\'s and Omega\'s.
take it all leave nothing behind
- Mining (singular)
- Mining Fleet
- Mining Moons refineries
- Transport by contracts
- Interstellar fleet mining
- Space exploration for mining (fleet)
- Fleet hiring
- Planet mining
* Fleet events
* Mining events
- non-corp mining fields ore buy back 90% jita price
- Moon mining fields corp 25% for corp, 75% for member (will be checked by ledger)
- Alliance ops moons, 20% for corp 80% for member buyback 100% and tax will be paid by corp.
- Ship replacement scheme ( when loosing a ship, let the ranking officers know, where, what, why and worth) if caused by your actions, srs will not be granted
= large low sec mining OPS project comming soon ( we need few new members as defense and low secv mining team)
and all other thing that can be Fun. be aware, due to non wanted infiltrations send you api to us when joining.
if no api has send, acceptance will be denied. new members need to be active and join the corp moon mining ops mandatory every 2 weeks
send your info when you join and join in:
IGMAT Recruitment any Questions please contact
TeenGallente ceo
Tyler barrent Director
Shadow Deathspiral Director
Hazra Ellecon Director '