

Interstellar Arbitrageurs Guild
Name Interstellar Arbitrageurs Guild
Ticker IARBG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ivana Kuchadikov
Members 16
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98607255

Members [16]


Interstellar Arbitrageurs Guild
From trash to treasure by trade and teamwork.

- We are about finding price differences in New Eden's markets and capitalizing on them.
- Commercial-Oriented (we focus on making money, not PvP combat glory or political affairs)
- PvE-Oriented (we don't deal with PvP, except for cases such as self-defense, in-game events, and tournaments)
- 100% Newbie-Friendly (new players keep this game alive, we are absolutely willing to teach new players and welcome them)
- 1% Corporation Tax (more of the money you make is yours; an excellent inicentive to get out of NPC corp tax rates)
- Faction-Agnostic (we discourage decreasing standings with the major factions, to allow us greater reach of New Eden)
- Sovereign (we will not sign up with alliances to keep their matters off of our backs so we can focus on what we do)
- NRDS (not red; don't shoot - we have no interest in shedding first blood among other capsuleers)
- Non-Piracy (we discourage piracy and ganking as a means of wealth because we don't want that in our trade-based reputation)
- Wardec-Ineligible (we intend to keep it that way to help retain CONCORD coverage in empire space as far as defense goes)


Greetings, capsuleer!

The Interstellar Arbitrageurs Guild (IAG) is a corporation that serves as a support network for capsuleers who are interested in market arbitrage: the art of exploiting and profiting from price discrepancies on items found all across New Eden's various markets. Things that are plentiful and cheap in one area may be scarce and valuable in another, and we help each other profit on that.

We welcome anyone from a wide variety of backgrounds: miners, salvagers, hunters, explorers, traders, couriers, industrialists, researchers, warriors, and so on. Still, our sole focus is on helping each other take advantage of price differences, and we know having those skills can absolutely help with doing that.

Examples of what we do:
- Our Militia team goes out on ratting excursions to bring back loot, as well as provide defense for our other teams.
- Our Commerce team works with trading, marketing, and sales, through station trading, interregional trading, and all in between.
- Our Engineering team builds products and researches blueprints, to bring a variety of goods to market and replenish our own.
- Our Logistics team harvests and reprocesses resources, explores for treasures and supplies, and salvages wrecks.

You can join in as a regular member of the network and stay for the community; or you are welcome to directly support our corporate operations and enlist to any of our teams.

Fly safe! o7

This corp is good for capsuleers who prefer a more relaxed and casual investment of their in-game time. We understand out-of-game life comes first; thus this corp is more tuned as a community network than a factionalized or time-demanding operation.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-11 04:21:09
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