

Jovian Brothers
Name Jovian Brothers
Ticker JOVBR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo ResearchCEO
Members 1
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 1847408536

Members [1]


u' BrotherIn JovaIn Brothers, we encourage an environment conducive to learning and teamwork, A close knit team, we work together efficiently, and productively to produce results consistent with our short, medium, and long term goals as a group.

We are always looking for active & mature pilots who are interested in:
* Industrial Activities (Manufacturing, Research, Mining, Transport)
We offer:
\u221a Solo and Gang Mining.
\u221a In-house Manufacturing
\u221a Noob Training
\u221a Fitting Assistance
\u221a Training Guidance

Requirements for membership: (negotiable)
* Active (Play 3-4 Days a Week)
* Minimum Skill points 2,500,000
* You must be mature, social, positive and respectful
* Willingness to learn and work as a team
* Willing to contribute to Corps needs
* Enthusiastic & Self-motivated
* Tolerance of insanity (IMPORTANT)

NOTE: Full Security Checks into your background are not negotiable, prior to your entry into the Corporation. Limited API will be required.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-11 06:28:24
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API J:11 Mar 05:37 K:11 Mar 05:33 C:11 Mar 06:31 A:11 Mar 06:31 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:11 Mar 06:07 S:11 Mar 05:42 W:11 Mar 06:15