

Khanid Regional Reconciliation
Khanid Kingdom Regional Directorate
Name Khanid Regional Reconciliation
Ticker K-REC
Alliance Khanid Kingdom Regional Directorate
Faction -
Ceo Seam Daigon
Members 31
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98757740

Members [31]


Diplomacy: contact our Director of Inter Capsuleer Relations: Seam Daigon

Recruitment: contact any Director: Seam Daigon, NiteNinja

Public channel: Khanid Regional Public

The Khanid Regional Reconciliation backstory:

The Khanid Regional Reconciliation corporation was founded in YC125, K-REC mainly operates in the Khanid region but can be found doing various operations all across New Eden, with its main goal being the improvement and development of the Khanid region and it's peoples.

K-REC is politically aligned with the Khanid Kingdom and will not take action agains the Kingdom or its allies, it stands in solidarity with the kingdoms right to be independent of the Amarr Empire.

K-REC performs various operations ranging from Industry, Security, R&D, too humanitarian projects. K-REC employs any and all without discrimination from capsuleers, too non immortals.

K-REC's security operatives function as private law enforcement when it comes to its security contracts, commanded by a Grand Provost Marshal, its arbitrators act as judge, jury, and executioner.


Capsuleers: 34

Non Immortals: 853,971

"All things were created by the Divine, and so the glory of our faith is inherent to us all;
When thine heart shines with the Light, thou shalt know no hardship;
When thine actions are in Light's name, thou art immortal.'"
- The Scriptures, Book of Trials 2:1

((K-REC and its Alliance are a roleplay corporation that mainly focuses on PVE content and helping new players, does not mean we dont pvp))

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-06 19:04:42
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