

Knights of the Nyan
Name Knights of the Nyan
Ticker KNYAN
Alliance -
Faction Amarr Empire
Ceo Sanshaa Airuta
Members 5
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98131230

Members [5]


As I wondered across the barren surface of Myyhera II carrying my trusty flask of purple stuff and leaving a long trail of rainbow. A lady guided me to an old cave, and in this cave was an old sword. The sword was stuck in a stone and I was commanded to pull it from the rock.

My response to the lady was, "Nyan, no problem bitch."

I stepped forward and pulled with all my might and the stone would not budge, so I called in an orbital strike and what was left of the sword is in a small bag in my captains quarters over Myyhera III.

Never saw that lady again, but we did do a lot of shooting.

Amarr FW Corp..
Pew Pew Stuff
Must have 0.00 Amarr standing or better..

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-21 20:15:48
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