

Legion of Lemmings
War Rats
Name Legion of Lemmings
Ticker LOLEM
Alliance War Rats
Faction -
Ceo Badger Thornpaw
Members 10
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98151777

Members [10]


WarRats is recruiting! Become a Rat today!
-Small Gang PvP
-Alliance Warfare
-Logistics and Recon pilots needed
-Interesting shit instead of the same old same old
-Fun people, and stable infrastructure
-Bring yourself, bring your friends, bring your whole danm corp

War Rats come warping two by two! PewPew! PewPew!

Come play music with us on WarRatsRadio
Come talk with us in the WarRats channel
Check out out the War Rats Killboards
Diplomat can be reached at:
And for the love of his noodley goodness listen to the Capstable Podcast

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 19:30:50
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