

Loyalty projects
Name Loyalty projects
Ticker LOPRO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Iilludari
Members 17
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 624089120

Members [17]


Loyalty Projects [LOPRO] is presently a casual corporation founded by a group of 6 Real Life friends. We focus mainly on having fun and aiding eachothers doing PvE, Mining and Trading.

We are open for any kind of player, no matter if you are into PvP, PvE or Industry. We believe a corporation can fit in all kinds of people. If you chose a Pirate life, it's also okay, just don't expect members that do not enjoy PvP to run to your assistance.

When applying to [LOPRO] expect an interview with the CEO or one of the Directors, should you and the CEO or Director reach an understanding, you will be invited for a 30 day trial, where we and you get to figure out if you are to stay. This is a 2-way decision.

Signed: Iilludari [CEO]

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-11 05:26:08
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