\u2551........Misunderstood Carebears...........\u2551
\u2554\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550[ CONTACT }\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550
\u2560\u25ba CEO \u263c
Lundebob\u2560\u25ba Director \u263c
\u2560\u25ba Diplomat \u263c
\u2560\u25ba Staff Manager \u263c
\u255a\u25ba Pub. Chat Channel \u263c Carebear Council
\u2554\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550[ INFO ]\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550
\u2560\u25ba Contrats \u263c Not Accepting
\u2560\u25ba Recruitment \u263c Open
\u2560\u25ba Killboard \u263c http://www.misun.eve-kill.net
Rules to live by in Eve:
1. If it moves, shoot it.
2. If it doesn\'t move, poke it with your turret & then shoot it.
3. When in doubt -- Shoot It.!!
4. Overkill works.
5. Just because it breathes doesn\'t mean it should.
6. If all is going well its a ambush.
7. If it\'s not moving shoot it anyway, it might move later
8. If it starts moving, Jam it, shoot it and call for back-up.
9. If all else fails - get revenge!'