u'OPERATIONAL-Buy back almost Everything.\u56de\u8d2d\u670d\u52a1\uff08\u6536\u5783\u573e\uff09
Up to 93% Jita buy in all Delve, Querious,period Basis and Fountain
\u6700\u9ad893% Jita buy,\u7edd\u5730,\u9011\u745e\u65af\uff0c\u8d1d\u65af\uff0c\u6e90\u6cc9\u3002
Contracts 0 to be made to
Mostly Legal Grand Business we will calculate base of goonpraisal and send isk directly within 48hrs
\u5408\u540c\u76f4\u63a5\u63020 \u7ed9
Mostly Legal Grand Business \u6211\u4eec\u8ba1\u7b97\u597d\u76f4\u63a5\u6253\u6b3e
Details of what we buy at 93%:\u6536\u8d2d\u8be6\u7ec6\u5185\u5bb9
t1 modules t2 modules t3 modules faction modules deadspace modules
t1 t2 t3 \u52bf\u529b\u3001\u6b7b\u4ea1 \u88c5\u5907
Rigs salvages exploration loot (data, relic ect.)
crab loot
rouge drone infestation
we also accept ship hulls
T1 at 85% jita buy
Faction T2 T3 hulls 90% jita buy
all ore 80% jita buy
Minerals 70% jita buy
Cap Parts 60% jita buy
moon ore(rocks) 90% jita buy
moon go at 90% jita buy
reactions: 90% jita buy
basic 55% jita buy,
refined 65% jita buy.
specialized 90% jita buy.
advanced 90% jita buy.