

Night Raven Assault Force
Name Night Raven Assault Force
Ticker NRAF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ailen Masami
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98275288

Members [1]


Night Raven Assault Force [NRAF] is a corporation dedicated to the elimination of capsuleer criminal threats and to defend all Night Raven Alliance [-NRA-] assets and personel.

PVP devision of Night Raven Alliance

We are NRDS in null but hold rights to fire on any criminals with out warning in low sec and to assist in Night Raven Alliance high sec wars.

Recruiter: Azera Nejuar (Direct convos will be ignored.)

Recruitment requirments:
-PVP pilot
-Willing to only shoot criminals and pirates (Plenty of those so should not be a problem)
-Willing to work in high low and null.
-Willing to work in teams.
-5 million skill point minimum.
-No douchebaggery or piracy.
-Willing to use Raidcall voice comms
-Willing to stick to NRDS pollicy in all areas of NRDS space.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-19 08:46:31
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