Northmark, an infamous corporation in the world of EVE Online, is known galaxy-wide for harboring some of the most insufferable individuals. Each member seems to have mastered the art of whining, turning daily operations into a non-stop festival of complaints. From the moment they log in, the Teamspeak is flooded with grievances about everything from the corporation logo to how someone is wrong again. Their plans aren't strategy but rather grievance airing events where each member competes to outdo the others with tales of woe. They've become so notorious for their incessant grumbling that even their allies dread any communication, fearing it will devolve into another session of the endless, soul-draining complaints that define Northmark.
Currently we operate:
Mining Operations
Refining Operations
Wholesale and Retail Sales
Complaint Department
We are currently planning the following divisions:
Survey and Research
Logistical Support
Interested in joining us?
Unelected Diplomat:
J Skies
Recruiter: no one wants this job
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-02 22:25:12