

Nuclear Goat Society
Name Nuclear Goat Society
Ticker NUCGO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sraer Achasse
Members 9
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98637703

Members [9]


"Tongue punch our collective fart boxes"

We are Nuclear Goat Society aka Liver Damage Inc.

Friendly Alliances
Black Hat Adventurers

DO NOT trust these pilots
Said Robbins

D-scan (Directional Scanner) - How to Tutorial:
A guide on how to use d-scan for safety and hunting

Essential Skills
These basic skills will benefit every ship you fly in EVE. Every capsuleer should train them to level 5 regardless of what they fly or their career path.
Try to train them sooner rather than later as they will affect your ability to fit modules to all of your ships and also all of your ship's overall effective hitpoints.

Essential Fitting Skills:
CPU Management
Capacitor Management
Power Grid Management

Essential Ship Skills:
Hull Upgrades
Shield Management
Tactical Shield Manipulation

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-22 07:12:59
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