

Ourapheh Holdings
Name Ourapheh Holdings
Ticker OURAP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Silverdaddy
Members 1
Tax Rate 0.4%
corporationID 98123313

Members [1]


Current Mandate
We're an unabashed tax shelter. With an exceedingly low tax rate of 0.40%, funds raised support our offices in Luminaire, the historical heart of the Federation (FedAdmin Info Centre), and Villore (Senate Bureau and Supreme Court), our esteemed capital.

Although founded by persons of Amarrian origin, Ourapheh Holdings is a staunch Gallente Federation patriot corporation. As such, the corporation occasionally supports capsuleer-led efforts that advance the causes of freedom, democracy, and peaceful fair-trade mercantilism.

The genesis of Ourapheh Holdings predecessor corporation arose well over a century ago. Patiently building up up from humble roots, the founders were artisans who laboured diligently for their betters. Small amounts of capital accrued... the seed of investments in local ventures, and entry into the ranks of the non-landed mercantile class.

Later, the opportunity to claim a holding on the frontier presented itself. The coporation liquidated its assets and set out for settlement on the temperate paradise (heavy though the gravity was) of Ourapheh IX.

Just as the estate readied for operation, the unthinkable: CONCORD was formed, and Ourapheh was ceded. Exile followed, and the corporation faltered...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-18 08:45:10
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