

Project DeathClaw
Name Project DeathClaw
Ticker PJDC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lura Rue
Members 1
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98061104

Members [1]


Project Deathclaw is the current demonstration for our soon to be megacorporation, Deathclaw Industries. What's our objective? Claiming the universe, of course! But that is no small task for even the largest of corporations.

We're currently an Induestial corporation soon branching out to a more PvP and PvE setup, while still sticking to our mining roots. Hell, we'll even go into ganking for those who want.

But what makes us a Corporation? Our motto of course! "Self Suffiencey" If you can't afford it, we'll help you buy it, if you want it, we'll show you the steps to get there. Cause of our motto, we're very New-pilot friendly and always willing to help out others and teach them the ways of Eve; not only that, but to help the support the self suffiency of our corporation by offering their time and skills and know-how on mining, and PvP and coordination to help setup mining operations and ganking runs.

Today we're based in Josameto, but tomorrow, who knows? The Stars the limit to our rapidly growing corporation and we'd love to have you join us, we take care of each of our members and never just throw them into a bin, each member will personally be greeted by our foudner and CEO and be welcomed by all.

This is.... Project Deathclaw.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-22 08:24:36
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