God requires a religion, religion does not require a God.
I am not religious because I believe in a God, I am religious
because I have an unwavering sense of pride, honor, and
justice. But most importantly, I have belief -- in myself.
Status: Quiet || Applications: Open
Providence of Empyrean Heaven [POEH] is willing to accept
your small merc contracts. We offer:
\xa4 Asset denial
\xa4 Harassment
\xa4 Logistic support
\xa4 Recon
Have an annoying corp pushing in on your rocks, or looking
for a little extra logistics/firepower for your war? Feel free
to send an EVE mail, I\'m looking for fun, not ISK. ~ fortis
Fortuna adiuvat
Temporal Reaver------------------------------------------------------
The true word of God is that kismet which awaits all
things, be they Just and Honorable, or Unjust and
Immoral: Annihilation.
By the Providence of Empyrean Heaven, our cannons shall
sing, and our furry will be unyielding. Step forward
and be counted.