The Quantum Knights is a noble and hard working corporation . Science and industry drive us to our goals . We back our members on the persue of thier goals and we offer great discounts , benefits and good in corp paying jobs to help them reach thier goals sooner .
We pride ourselves on the fact we can help our members become stronger , thus creating a more powerful , reliable and dedicated corp .
We are now reviewing applications for proud few to sit with us at the round table we created in this present day future .
The Quantum Knights offers : in corp contracts , discounts on ships and items built and found by our corp . The Quantum Knights will purchase skills for you to help you and the corp become stronger .
The Quantum Knights are looking for T1 and T2 : Miners , Pvp Fighters , Haulers , Mining Directors , Builders , Traders , ( some positions may take time to aquire but not impossible to obtain ) hard working , dedicated , reliable and noble hearts to one day turn this corp into a heavily populated empire . It all starts with you .
Yetch by eve-mail for details . All Races Welcome !!!!!!!!!!