

Ragnarok PL
Name Ragnarok PL
Ticker RNGPL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ultimatus Ragnarok
Members 5
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98632993

Members [5]


Hello o7
We invite everyone to join us, our corporation brings together new and experienced players. You can be anyone with us, we are always here to help and provide knowledge. We need everyone who has the time and willingness to play.

Our current goals:
- increasing the number of corporate members.
- gathering and effective use of acquired resources to build structures in HI sec and reducing production costs.
- expanding the corporation's influence and establishing friendly relations with other already existing corporations in a B2B relationship.

You can count on our support in every aspect of the game, joint trips in WH, PVE, Trading, Industry, etc.

Our corporation is created by new players, mainly for new players. You definitely won't be bored with us.

-Recruit Room - please send any questions here.

Discord welcome - PM

Responsible for recruitment:
- Ultimatus Ragnarok

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-26 10:07:10
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