We are a private organisation focusing Industry and Trading.
I can confirm we are not an pirate alt holding corp.
Rampant Holdings is best defined as a gathering of effeminate roleplaying carebears who focus on human rights campaigning and passive resistance to aggression, primarily staying docked up whilst coddling eachothers genitals and sipping herbal tea.
We have very high recruitment standards, to be considered you must have slept with the
Illusive Man at some point, if he can remember your name you can anticipate an immediate directorship. Congratulations. If not, try harder next time you frigid wet biscuit, you'd be better suited to joining the RAF instead!
Anyway... Where was I?
Donations welcome, as are 'wardecs', we relish any opportunity to express our disdain for violence by pursuing a savage strategy of non-aggression. You have been warned!