

Sanctum Synaxarion
Rusty Stargazers
Name Sanctum Synaxarion
Ticker AOS15
Alliance Rusty Stargazers
Faction -
Ceo Archivist15
Members 3
Tax Rate 6.9%
corporationID 98734554

Members [3]


Among these distant worlds, among these scattered misfits I knew I was home.

" If you have common sense you should step up to the complexity of fairness.

Equal actions don't have equal consequences. "

" If memories would be a currency,
what value the memories you create for yourself and others would have? "

The Sanctum Archives stand in eternal service,
for the betterment of ALL within New Eden,
lost among the stars.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-06 21:06:23
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