Greetings, Capsuleer. We are a burgeoning Corporation based in Caldari Space with the intent purpose of creating a friendly and laid back atmosphere. While relatively young, we have ambitions to create a self-sustaining Corporation with an active interest in expanding our operation with many roles currently open to achieve this goal.
Our organisation has three different divisions: Industry/Exploration, Trading/Marketing, PVE/PVP, making sure you can choose any path you want.
We Are Seeking:- New and Old Players
- Miners
- Explorers
- Mission Runners (Caldari Specific)/PVE Pilots
- Manufacturers
- PI
- Researchers
- Traders
What We Offer:- New-Pilot Friendly
- Mining ops with buffs/comp
- Ship Replacement Programme
- Ore Buyback Programme (Based on current Jita prices)
- Corporation Tax Locked at 1%
- Discord Comms
Contact one our recruiters today, or alternatively you can join our Recruitment Channel:
Sanguine Semper Fedelis Recruitment Channel