

Sarpati Tech
Universal Union.
Name Sarpati Tech
Ticker SARPT
Alliance Universal Union.
Faction -
Ceo Hiramu Khanid
Members 1
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 98799393

Members [1]


Formed by a Khanid royal turned Enterpreneur, The Sarpati Tech Corporation is the Ashimmu Commonwealth's direct response to the large scale mobilization of the Universal Union as a whole after the YC 126 and early YC 127 attacks. Althougn with noble roots, Sarpati Tech is built on research from corporations such as Serpentis Corporation, Guristas, Salvation Angels and Arkombine being one of many. Although considered shady and barely legal, Sarpati Tech has been welcomed by the governors of the Intaki Syndicate, much to the delight of the Union Bureau.

"Seriously? I just comissioned a research corporation from a Khanid royal, and the day after, the ISB is already sticking their nose into it? I thought they were supposed to ensure security OUTSIDE the Union, not within it."

"Why yes, but you have to admit, it IS called the Internal Security Bureau, its basically in their name. Besides, my father still supplies me with countless kredits from the royal treasury."
-Conversation between the founders of the Commonwealth and Sarpati Tech about being investigated by their own secret service.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-25 09:17:38
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