

Shadowed Command
Name Shadowed Command
Ticker XSCX
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Phalkan
Members 29
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 362463758

Members [29]


Shadowed Command is a hybrid corp consisting of small gang pvp / alliance+coalition large fleet warfare (300+ in fleet)/ heavy industry.

Shadowed Command is a corp with a storied history, several years in the making. The group that this corp comprises of has been through it all, and stuck through the tough times together. If you're looking for a family, a place to call home, a corp that will look at you as more than just another line member, have a chat with one of us. This is a corp that starts with Eve, but certainly does not end here.

We are a NBSI corp living in deep null. Come out and join the fun. For more info on recruitment please join the Shadowed Recruiting channel. We are an all Timezone corp.

For Diplo concerns please join SC Lobby

CEO/Diplo - Ironclave (USTZ)

Directors - Luds (AUTZ) - Production
Jaena Proudmore (AUTZ) - Production
Rhyvane (AUTZ) - Industrial
Kubert (USTZ) - PVP
IceLolly (EUTZ) - Human Resources

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-28 15:18:38
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