

Sister of Eve-Universe
Name Sister of Eve-Universe
Ticker SOE-U
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Anna Bell-Moss
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98440336

Members [4]


u'We are the sisters-of-eve-universe!

We love to build - we hate to destroy .... but if it is necessary we do!

We live in deep 0-Sec. Teritory and we love to be part of this wonderful Yulai Family

If you want to Mine, Explore, Planetary Interactions, Moon-Mining, Construction, PVE and Defend our Home-Space in Fleets than you are welcome to join! If you want the experiance to explore and develope a howl Reagion ... you are welcome! Be Honest, Be Part of the Familiy ... you are wellcome!

Come in our open Channel SoE-U Sister of Eve-Universe and talk to us!

* A "Hello" is the first Step to be a new Friend!

Pay-Back Programms!

soe-u is buying:

\xb0 Ore (Price Jita Buy)
\xb0 Datacores & Encryters (Price Jita Buy)
\xb0 Blue T2 Salvage from Relic-Sites (Price Jita Buy)
\xb0 All Kind of T2-Planetary goods (Price Jita Buy)

Let\xb4s work together for a great Experience!'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-22 08:37:15
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