

Small Gangers 4 Jesus Christ
Name Small Gangers 4 Jesus Christ
Ticker SG4JC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Downsilon
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98686646

Members [3]


u'So one day I walked to Home Depot and I fucking saw Jesus. Jeezy boy himself. There is no Greek god, and there is no furry god like Anubis. So I walked up to him and said to him, "Oh my God, what is the secret of immortality?" He turned to me and left, biomass. Now it\u2019s like, Jesus said it\u2019s weird, but this man is the son of God, not the bad guy in the orange shirt outside Home Depot, so it\u2019s like, I got all my assets and I started to transfer them to one place, Burger King. Trash can. Now, this is the part where it becomes interesting. Jesus thanked me and then told me another thing. "Emma\'s people suck. These people are in the spacecraft age and they are using beams. Damn beams. We have been doing this since 1915. What do they think they are doing?" Now I am confused-Beam, Amarion, what the fuck is he doing? Don\'t worry, so I moved all of my Emma boats to a separate trash can. My trash is someone else\'s treasure. Except for Emma\'s shit, everything has its place.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-22 20:45:53
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