

Space-Time Laboratories
Name Space-Time Laboratories
Ticker STLAB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Vala Sharrow
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98116758

Members [4]


Researching the space-time continuum. Also mining and producing shiny stuff. New players welcome!

We are players who decided to create a foothold in mining and industry, because we expect this to be highly profitable due to the long-term economic changes arising from the anti-botting actions of CCP. Our current goal is to operate our own POS and create an environment optimized for earning ISK (through efficient refining, researched blueprints in the corp hangar etc.). Doing this, we strive to enable our active members to finance their account(s) with PLEX.

If you are looking for a friendly gang playing in the evenings (EU timezone) or throughout the day (on weekends), which also welcomes inexperienced pilots, you should join us.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-19 08:08:52
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