

Spartan Industrial Holdings
Name Spartan Industrial Holdings
Ticker SPINH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Candice Kasenumi
Members 6
Tax Rate 1.2%
corporationID 98547130

Members [6]


u'\u2554\u2557\u2551\u2551\u2557 Spartan
\u255a\u2557\u2560\u2563\u2551 Industrial
\u255a\u255d\u2551\u2551\u255a Holdings

Recruitment is currently: OPEN!!

We have a linear supply chain control corporation, going from raw materials to production.

Spartan Industrial Corp. is looking for New and Experienced pilots who are interested in Mining, Research, Manufacturing, and protecting what you build.
Both Alpha and Omega Clone pilots are welcome.

If you have PvP experience, that will be considered a plus,

1) We have Hi/Lo Sec. Hi manufacturing & mining.

2) Occasional mining fleets w/Orca-Porpoise support.

3) Ore buy-back

4) Alpha Frigate replacement for ORE,

5) Guidance in Research, Mining, Manufacturing, Moon Mining, Reactions, and Planetary interaction.

Z: What is Industry?
A: Basically, you take the minerals from mined ores and turn them into ships, fittings, ammo, and everything in between.

Z: Why Industry?
A: Industry is not only a profitable career, it is the very backbone of New Eden, almost everything you see on the market is player-made, without industry there would be no ships!

4 goals:
Have Fun
Learn about EvE
Make ISK
RL is first

Z: Im new to EVE, Where do I start?
A: Well if you apply to Spartan Industrial, we can help you get started on whatever you might be interested in, many of our members are skilled in other careers in EVE, not just Industry.

Contact: CEO Carl Kasenumi

Industrial corp, easy going'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 20:51:11
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