

Standards Contracting Contracting
Name Standards Contracting Contracting
Ticker STDCC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Robert Kuok
Members 6
Tax Rate 6.9%
corporationID 98679703

Members [6]


Standards Contracting Contracting
Limited Liability Corporation

Standards Contracting Contracting is a multi-dimensional company that operates on several levels, including shipping operations, industry operations, and specialized services. The company is active in 9 regions through 47 offices, including The Kalevala Expanse, The Forge, Geminate, Etherium Reach, Malpais, and The Spire. In addition to representing companies like Standards Contracting, STDCC has a partnership with the Caldari Business Tribunal, a hisec-based economic conglomerate. STD Con Con has a merchant marine fleet that consists of 37 vessels. This fleet is also The Kalevala Expanse's largest.

Diplo Contacts
Awali Maulerant
Kyoia Achasse

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-18 07:46:44
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