

Cynosural Field Theory.
Name Starcakes
Ticker -NIR-
Alliance Cynosural Field Theory.
Faction -
Ceo Niraia
Members 8
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1114847768

Members [8]


The recipe for this highly ornate, traditional Jin-Mei sweet varies from planet to planet, and sometimes from city to city, but its fillings are always dense, sugary, and rich. Each cake's jelly center is held in place with a crusty exterior that, as befits tradition, is so highly decorated with symbols that it resembles a volcanic planet: It is possible to read the baker's story, lineage, and certifications in the crust's maze of lines and ridges, although a reader must be quite dedicated to finish the task before falling to temptation.

Starcakes is a Jin-Mei supremacist terrorist doomsday cult, selectively following the teachings of Ocilan Ardishapur.

Contact Niraia for all matters.
Recruitment is closed.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 08:44:14
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