SM&D we handle everything from investments, margin trading to stellar transactions, large distribution & lottery holdings.
-Rank Structured
-US Based
-Investment Focused
-Lottery Oriented
-Highly trained team of Stellar Brokers.
-100m Minimum ISK Investment - 10% Weekly Interest Payout
-1-5b ISK Investment - 15% Bi-Weekly Interest Payout
-5 PLEX Minimum Investment - 10% Bi-Weekly Interest Payout
-20 Plex Maximum Investment - 20% Bi-Weekly Interest Payout
Weekly Interest Payouts are paid at exactly 1300 Hours, Mountain Time US on Tuesdays. Accordingly, Bi-Weekly Interest Payouts are paid at exactly 1400 Hours, Mountain Time US on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
** To invest, send an Eve-Mail to our Investment Supervisor,
Vythica Fade with a description of what policy you are investing under, To negotiate the terms of your investment with us, shoot an Eve-Mail to our Chief Financial Officer (CFO For Short)
Taloren Ash. To bring any abnormalities to our attention, or to become an affiliate, please speak to our Marketing Director,
Xavius **