

Stribog Kybernaut Subclade
Stribog Clade
Name Stribog Kybernaut Subclade
Ticker SKS3
Alliance Stribog Clade
Faction -
Ceo Sharin Nidar
Members 38
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98647650

Members [38]


u' \u30e0

Triglavian Loyalist Force

We\'re recruiting for high-end Pochven content.
\u30e0 Fight for the Triglavian Collective in Pochven and K-Space
\u30e0 High-stakes battleship fleets in the most dangerous space in New Eden
\u30e0 PvPvE fleets daily: Fight for the most lucrative rewards available in game

For recruitment: Stribog Recruitment
For diplomatic inquiries: Stribog.Diplomacy'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-19 21:35:17
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