Sum Ting Wong, The front runner in bad asian jokes.
We can accept and teach new players! If you were recruited please state the name of your recruitee in your application.
Our main activities:
-Not sleeping and then thouroughly regretting it afterwards.
All comments, questions, concerns, insults, should be send to
Cuddly Bunny (especially insults)
--We also manufacture most items and ships. contact the CEO for more info on what items and prices. Corp members can feel free to mine the materials for there ships, which we can then make for you saving you mighty amounts of isk!
Q: What is the primary focus of the corp?
A: Fun.
Q: What races are allowed in your corp?
A: All races are welcome.
Q: OK, so ive read this awesome corp descrition, can i join?
A: Maybe, Send us in an application explaining your interests in eve and pointing out any spelling mistakes in this description that ive missed may help get you accepted aswell.
Q: What time zone are you in?
A: We have a mix of alot at the moment, there is most likely always somebody online.
Q: What kinds of missions and what level of missions are corpmembers capable of running together in fleets?
A: Level 4 missions.
Q: One of your members killed me! I demand retribution!
A: Im sure you deserved it.