

The Kargatane
Name The Kargatane
Ticker KARG.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Madadin Drama
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1687556513

Members [4]


u'Formed with a core of friends and family based from Minnesota, The Kargatane has grown through many virtual realms, worlds and galaxies, picking up good friends along the way. With one mandate. Sit back (sometimes with a beer) relax, have a good time, and excell.

In EvE, the brith of [KARG.] came about back in 2009 when Atomn (the CEO) went to his group of friends and proposed a long term plan too become an established entity in EvE. The Corp eventually joined Paxton Federation during the times of the Providence war against -A- . During this time, fighting side by side with those of the Firestar corporation, a mutual respect was made and a hard, yet good decision came about at the end of the war. The members of [KARG.] Rolled into Firestar too make a go in the North. During our time there we had time too build and learn so much. However, the need too be that entity that we had been so long called upon us.\xa0

So here we are, a long road has brought us back full circle and in an alliance of like minded individuals. With that one mandate in mind Sit back (ok sometimes more then one beer) relax, have a good time, but always excell.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-23 07:47:42
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