Tranquillian Imperial Navy (TIN) is formed to be Tranquillian Empire's PVP Corp. The corporation is tasked with providing defence for Tranquillian Empire in terms of war and in peace. TIN is founded on principal of military diciplin and efficency where this is not the place for all capuleers of New Eden we focus us more to the pilots who seek for structure, organization and fairness.
We aim to have members form various timezones and backgrounds to generate a wide diversity. We want to provide a good basic education in PVP.
We offer all our pilots finacial compensation for the service they prefrom within our Navy.
Diplomat: Randon Fox"Acting" Officer in Charge: Randon Fox
Recruitment Channel: "TIN Recruitment"
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-19 08:25:55