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U N I T E D - S T E L L A R - F E D E R A T I O N Come make some iskies
ABOUTUSFed is a home for players who want to earn isk in high sec. Not all of us can dedicate the time it takes to join PvP heavy corps in null sec, some of us just want to get rich and build our own empires in high sec.
We run missions and do incursions as often as possible, generally joining the larger fleets for incursions and we run level 4 security missions in high sec whenever possible.
We do have skilled Orca pilots and will be branching out to 0.5 security moon mining space in the near future.
The goal is for members to comfortably earn enough isk to omega their accounts on a monthly basis. This may not be possible at first, but with some training and build up it is easily done.
REQUIREMENTSWe are pretty relaxed. Newbros are welcome to join and learn the ropes, we\'ll gladly give some advice on how to start earning isk to afford the more expensive ships. As such, we have no strict requirements.
OPERATIONSOur primary focus is getting players up to being able to earn isk on their own
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