

Name Veretasium
Ticker VRIUM
Alliance Wielders
Faction -
Ceo Gerizo Abysswalkers
Members 83
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 98620000

Members [83]


Our goals
Veretasium are a Corp focusing in Industry and trying to become an Industrial powerhouse.
We are currently trying to find a system / Constellation to settle down in and continue growing.

As we grow we have a desire to move into low security space,
and have the pleasure of both pvp and richer ore yealds.

Miners, Industrialists, Explorers, PvP specialists and mission runners.

If you are a player looking to join anny of Wielders Corps or join the alliance pleace join Be a Wielder

Head Of Alliance Not-a-robot Still-robot

Diplomat's / Recruiters
* Not-a-robot Still-robot
* TheSheiken Abysswalkers
If you would like to discuss standings please join the in-game channel Wielders Diplo

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-17 19:09:55
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