

Boundary Experts
Name Wildcard.
Ticker R0AMS
Alliance Boundary Experts
Faction -
Ceo Chad Hammercock
Members 103
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98651774

Members [103]


[01:33:47] Zander Audeles > we are 125km deep in your mom

Wildcard. [R0AMS] is a PvP Corporation which operates in USTZ/EUTZ out of our NS/C5 statics and Jita. We've competed in the alliance tournament for the past two years, and primarily focus on small gang content out of Jita currently.

CEO: Chad Hammercock
Directors: Val Thropp, Alexander Choringen, Zander Audeles
Recruiters: Sveinn Blot waffleship#5098, Alexander Choringen Alexander Choringen#9408

Recruitment is currently closed, however should it open again and Chad forgets to update this because he's stupid, these are our requirements:

Minimum Requirements:
Recent PvP Activity (Past 30 days)
Have a general knowledge of how wormholes work
Fully self sufficient on ISK (SRP still provided for doctrine ships)
Learns from mistakes
Understands and can communicate in English
25M~ skill points

At least one combat/tackle oriented alt (Dictor, Ceptor, Boosher, etc)
Previous small gang experience

Public Channel: R0AMS Public
Website and Application Center:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-10-13 06:01:12
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