

Wildly Inappropriate.
Name WyldWyrmWeaver
Ticker WYLDW
Alliance Wildly Inappropriate.
Faction -
Ceo DarkWyld
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98455484

Members [2]


In the beginning, there was the Wyld, the Weaver, and the Wyrm. The Wyld would create things simply for the sake of creation. The Weaver would take these creations and stabilize their forms, giving them a place and a purpose. The Wyrm would devour those stabilized creations that was slated for "destruction", so that the Wyld could continue creating (and not run out of space). This was the idyllic way that things were supposed to work.

Things started going bad when the Weaver, in love with stasis and stability, began to hate on the Wyrm for destroying her perfect "creations". So, she wove her webs around the Wyrm in order to bind him in such a way that he couldn't devour her creations. The Wyrm thrashed in his painful confinement and his mind shattered, creating the corrupt entity that we all knew and loved. The Weaver tried to catch the Wyld, but proved too mercurial for the great Spider-goddess, and danced between the webs.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-16 21:54:20
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